Wednesday, January 20, 2010

another one


Oh friends. I am so weary. So afraid this second Earth Quake did more damage and caused more deaths. I am sure the clinic is be very busy today. I am trying to gather my self emotionally. Letting those that were not here for the first quake handle things - right now I am no good to anyone.

I was in our room AGAIN.

So the military hospital ship is ONLY taking care of Americans - so why are they here??? Sorry but that ticks me off - that is wrong. From what we are seeing everyday Haitians need medical care big time. Oh the blessings of having an American passport! DO NOT TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED!

200,000 dead already. Many more will die because of infection. So grateful for the Doctors and nurses that have come in to help, they are emotional stronger and so gifted.

Have a house full of people from all over, it is nice to have people here.

This morning during the Earth Quake I jumped out of bed and ran screaming "get out get out" like everyone did not know to do that! "well thank you Lisa for telling us we should get out!" Lol


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting how you started your latest post: "PTSD!" That has been one of my specific prayers for 'you all' down there... praying against PTSD. I will double my efforts in that regard and ask others to join me.

    - Ed

  3. Don & Lisa,
    I don't know if you remember me, I'm the other Lisa Buxman's sister, Stacey. I have been keeping up to date on you guys through her, and have been so burdened to pray. This morning, as I was reading this, I felt the Lord asking me to proclaim His restoration and healing over you. Though weeping may remain for a night, His joy WILL come in the morning (Psalm 30:5)...I pray for a quick arrival of your morning, and abundant grace and peace to sustain you in the night. He is making all things new, I pray for His new sing to spill from your hearts into the Hatian people!! I praise God that in your weakness, His power is made perfect (2 Cor 12:9). Be strong my dear sister and brother, for His Word us true and He will sustain you!!
    May His love surround you!!

  4. Dear dear Lisa-
    I'm praying constantly for you. I too thought of PTSD lately when thinking/praying for you all.
    Hoping God gives you some rest in body and mind.

  5. Praying for you both...
    and for miracles!
    and for your kids & grandkids!
    Love you all

  6. Did you just hear that 11 patients from Simone Pelee were airlifted from Heartline...check livesay blog

    We have sent so much money from Canada and are so frustrated that the aid is not getting through.

  7. Don and Lisa,
    You are not forgotten! We are in awe of how you are truly being the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus for just such a time as this. May He give you strength and grace for the moment.
    Remember the group of gals at Chili's in Greeley!
    Love you guys,
    Carol (and Paul)
