Friday, October 16, 2009


As a midwife birth is very invigorating. It requires a lot of energy but is such an adrenalin rush. that rush helped me to keep moving through the night. We had lost EDH (electricity) earlier in the evening. The inverter was not working at the birth center, or the generator. We used flash lights. Sun came up before the baby was born, but it was still quite dark in the room and of course hot without fans. The mother was just 17, she had delivered a still born just a year ago. Knowing how young she was and the emotional condition of having lost a baby, she was given much attention and love. Beth stayed right with her and later Paige came to help. It was a beautiful uncomplicated delivery. A baby boy born at 8:13 a.m. weighing 7lbs 4 oz. We had prenatal's that day so we just continued on, caring for the mom and dong prenatal's. By the end of the day I was really shot, and my kids would tell you I was not very nice! I fixed dinner, took two Ibuprofen and went to bed at 7:00! so grateful for a healthy baby boy born at Heartline Birth center!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa- happy news about the birth!
    A healthy baby boy... :)

    And oh my I'm so sorry to read about your
    flooding house in the rainstorm!
    praying for your sanity,
    Lori Smith
